
How To Do A Proper Face Makeup

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Anyone can have a flawless look if they have the correct products. First, prepare your skin by washing your confront and moisturizing information technology. Side by side, apply foundation and powder to smooth out your skin and make your complexion flawless. Finally, enhance your facial features with blush, eyeshadow, eyeliner, and lipstick.

  1. 1

    Wash your face . Wash your face up to remove any unwanted oils or old makeup. Utilize a cleanser that is marketed equally gentle or pH-balanced. These cleansers won't dry out out or irritate your pare.[1] Yous can besides cull cleansers that lucifer your skin blazon. For example:

    • If you have dry out skin, use moisturizing cream cleansers.
    • For normal skin, use a gentle cleanser without any microbeads or exfoliants.
    • If you have oily skin, use an oil based cleanser. These cleansers will reduce your skin'southward oil product. Follow up with toner each time you launder your face up and exfoliate twice a calendar week.
  2. 2

    Moisturize your peel. You lot should always moisturize after washing your face. There are many different kinds of moisturizers to cull from. For case, if you spend a lot of time outside, cull a moisturizer with sunscreen in it to protect your pare. Other considerations:

    • If you have oily skin, choose an oil free gel moisturizer. This moisturizer will soften your pare without stimulating oil product.
    • If you have dry skin, choose a lightweight cream moisturizer.[2]
    • If you struggle with acne, cull a moisture with salicylic acrid in information technology.


  3. 3

    Spread primer onto your pare. Primer is a makeup product that fills your pores and smooths your peel in preparation for foundation. To utilise primer, dab a pocket-sized amount onto your cheeks, forehead, and chin. Blend the primer into your skin using your fingertips or a foundation brush.[iii] Tinted primers can be used to right color bug on any peel tone. For instance:

    • If you lot have irksome peel, use a light pink primer to requite your peel a healthy glow.
    • If your face looks sallow, utilise a lilac tinted primer to neutralize any unhealthy tones.
    • Green tinted primer neutralizes uneven redness or acne spots.[4]
  4. 4

    Apply a layer of foundation . Foundation evens out your skin tone and gives you a cute glow. To use foundation, dab a small-scale amount on your cheeks, forehead, mentum, and the bridge of your nose. For light coverage, utilise your fingertips to blend the foundation towards the edges of your face. For a heavier coverage, use a damp beauty sponge to blend the foundation into your pare.[5]

    • Make sure to choose foundation, concealer, and pulverization that match your skin tone. Pay attention to your undertones every bit well, since you may need a cooler or warmer shade to really friction match your skin.[6]
    • If your neck and face are dissimilar shades, match your foundation to your neck. Otherwise, you will wait like you're wearing a mask.[7]
    • If y'all're not sure what color foundation you demand, stop past a makeup store and inquire a professional person makeup artist to match a production to your skin tone.[8]
  5. 5

    Use concealer to erase any blemishes. Concealer tin can exist used to encompass up acne, scarlet spots, or nighttime circles nether your optics. If you have dry pare, choose a stick concealer. For oily skin, a liquid concealer works meliorate.

    • You tin use your fingertips, a q-tip, or a makeup castor to blend the concealer.[9]
    • Buy a concealer that matches your foundation exactly. If possible, purchase within the aforementioned brand to be sure that the colors volition match.
  6. 6

    Employ translucent setting powder. Translucent setting powder is a articulate powder that locks in foundation and soaks up whatsoever excess oil that your pare produces. Utilise a thin layer of setting powder all over your face up with a large fluffy makeup brush. Make certain to blend in the areas effectually your optics and mouth to avert whatever cakey buildup.

    • Choose a loose pulverisation instead of pressed pulverisation for a lighter coverage.[10]


  1. one

    Fill up in your eyebrows. If you already have dark, well-defined eyebrows, you can skip this step. Otherwise, utilise an eyebrow pencil that closely matches your hair color to fill in your eyebrows. Use short, dash-like strokes to create small "hairs" on your skin. Next, apply a dry makeup brush to gently blend the countenance pencil into your natural forehead.[xi]

    • After you fill them, ascertain and shape your eyebrows by combing them with a colored brow gel or wax.[12]
    • You can buy eyebrow kits for your hair color. These kits commonly include an eyebrow pencil, an countenance brush, and shaping gel or wax.
  2. 2

    Brush on some blush. Use a blush brush to apply blush to the apples of your cheeks. Employ long, smooth motions to blend the chroma towards your temples. Focus on blurring the edges of the blush and creating a natural-looking glow. Use a chroma that matches your pare tone. For case:

    • If you have fair skin, choose a infant pink or peach blush.
    • Medium skin tones should wear apricot and mauve blushes.
    • If you have olive toned peel, wear an orangish peach or rose pink color.
    • Dark skin tones look all-time in bold raisin purples and brick reds.[thirteen]
  3. iii

    Utilize eyeshadow . For a simple expect, apply a darker color to your creases and blend information technology onto your eyelids. Adjacent, brush a lighter, shimmering tone onto the center of your eyelids.[fourteen] Buy quality eyeshadows that won't wear off throughout the day. Additionally, choose shades that friction match your eye color and pare tone. For instance:

    • Blue eyes wait best with pinks and corals. Green optics are complemented by colors with red undertones such every bit maroon and apricot. Brown eyes tin can article of clothing whatever color but look especially good with bold purples.
    • Cull shades that lucifer your skin tone. Absurd skin tones wait all-time with wintery colors while warm peel tones wait best with earthy colors.[15]
  4. 4

    Use eyeliner to enhance your eyes. Get-go, purchase loftier quality eyeliners that won't smudge or vesture off throughout the 24-hour interval. Side by side, apply a pocket-size amount to each heart and examine them for differences. Add more eyeliner where needed to make your eyes match.[16] Eyeliner tin exist used in a multifariousness of ways. For example:

    • Draw a thin line of eyeliner forth your lash line to brand your eyelashes appear thicker.
    • Utilise liquid eyeliner to describe dramatic cat eyes.[17]
    • Apply vivid turquoise or gold eyeliners to bring a splash of color to your look.
  5. five

    Employ mascara. Lean your head back and look forrad to hold your eyelashes away from your face up. Hold the mascara wand well-nigh the base of your eyelashes. Movement the wand from side to side to press the wand bristles between your eyelashes. Draw the wand up along your eyelashes to coat their entire length.[eighteen]

    • For a natural flawlesxs look, choose a night chocolate-brown mascara. For a smoky, assuming look, choose a carbon black mascara.
    • After the mascara dries, apply another coat to further define your eyelashes.
    • Apply a mascara with a bigger, thicker brush for more volume on your acme lashes. All the same, to avoid getting black marks under your eyes, utilize a smaller, thinner wand for your lower lashes.[xix]
  6. half dozen

    Wear lipstick or lip gloss. Cull a bright colour that makes them pop flawlessly. For a bold, heavy lip coverage, use lipstick. For a lighter, shiny color, employ lip gloss. If you're worried almost your lipstick or lipgloss smearing, line your lips with a lip pencil before applying your lip color.

    • To avoid getting lipstick on your teeth, gently suck on your alphabetize finger. This will rub abroad any lipstick inside your oral cavity.
    • Use a makeup brush to use lipstick. The color will last longer and you lot'll accept more than control over your awarding.[xx]


  1. one

    Apply mineral foundation. If you are worried that regular foundation volition worsen dry skin or acne problems, mineral foundation may be a good culling. Mineral foundation won't clog your pores and is more gentle than regular foundation. However, if yous don't blend it in with a foundation brush, it will appear cakey and powdery.

    • Employ small-scale, circular motions to blend the foundation into your peel.
    • Liquid mineral foundation is cracking for people with dry skin. Alternatively, if you have oily skin, endeavor powdered mineral foundation.[21]
  2. 2

    Utilise BB cream. BB Cream is an all-in-one cosmetic that acts as a moisturizer, primer, SPF and foundation, reducing the corporeality of time it takes to put on makeup.[22] Additionally, It has a light coverage that tin look more than natural than other kinds of foundation. However, BB Foam unremarkably doesn't provide enough coverage to erase blemishes or sun spots.

    • Some people use BB Cream as a primer underneath their regular foundation to help cover scars and severe acne blemishes.[23]
  3. three

    Experiment with contouring. Contouring is a makeup technique that allows you to subtly alter your face shape. To do then, apply light and dark shades of foundation to add shadows and highlights in places where you don't actually have them. However, contouring takes a lot of fourth dimension and is more often than not seen every bit too much problem for daily apply.

    • If you lot want to expect like a particular celebrity, you tin notice many contouring tutorials online to help you reach that await.
    • Contouring compacts can exist bought online or at dazzler supply stores.
  4. 4

    Utilize bronzer. Bronzer is a makeup product that can exist used to give your cheeks a dominicus-kissed tone. Additionally, bronzer can be used when contouring to create natural-looking shadows under your cheekbones. Bronzer is usually applied with a rounded, fluffy pulverisation castor.

    • Bronzer can exist purchased in powder form or every bit a compressed compact.
    • Select a bronzer that is one or 2 shades darker than your natural pare tone.[24]
  5. v

    Use highlighting powder. Highlighter can give your pare a good for you glow and raise your favorite features. Almost people apply highlighter along their cheekbones to enhance their natural bone construction. However, y'all can also utilise highlighter to your forehead and chin to give your pare a dewy finish.

    • Apply a large, fluffy makeup brush to employ a sparse dusting of highlighter onto your skin.
    • Choose a highlighter with gold undertones instead of silver. This volition give your face a soft, vivid glow.[25]
  6. 6

    Utilize setting spray. Setting spray volition hold your makeup in identify for longer.

  7. seven



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  • Question

    What lodge do you put your makeup on?

    Laura Martin

    Laura Martin is a Licensed Cosmetologist in Georgia. She has been a hair stylist since 2007 and a cosmetology teacher since 2013.

    Laura Martin

    Licensed Cosmetologist

    Expert Answer

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    You should brainstorm with a primer, so foundation, and so concealer, followed by eyes, cheeks, and lips (in that order). The only exception is if you are using a colour correcting concealer which should become under the foundation.

  • Question

    What is the first stride to putting on makeup?

    Laura Martin

    Laura Martin is a Licensed Cosmetologist in Georgia. She has been a pilus stylist since 2007 and a cosmetology teacher since 2013.

    Laura Martin

    Licensed Cosmetologist

    Expert Answer

  • Question

    Do y'all put on concealer before or after foundation?

    Laura Martin

    Laura Martin is a Licensed Cosmetologist in Georgia. She has been a hair stylist since 2007 and a cosmetology teacher since 2013.

    Laura Martin

    Licensed Cosmetologist

    Expert Answer

  • Question

    How can I brand my skin look flawless?

    Laura Martin

    Laura Martin is a Licensed Cosmetologist in Georgia. She has been a hair stylist since 2007 and a cosmetology teacher since 2013.

    Laura Martin

    Licensed Cosmetologist

    Proficient Answer

  • Question

    How can I go my eyes to await bigger than they are?

    Laura Martin

    Laura Martin is a Licensed Cosmetologist in Georgia. She has been a pilus stylist since 2007 and a cosmetology teacher since 2013.

    Laura Martin

    Licensed Cosmetologist

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  • Question

    Is primer necessary?

    Laura Martin

    Laura Martin is a Licensed Cosmetologist in Georgia. She has been a hair stylist since 2007 and a cosmetology instructor since 2013.

    Laura Martin

    Licensed Cosmetologist

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    You tin vesture makeup without primer. However, the primer helps the makeup go on smoothly and last longer, and then you lose those benefits if you don't utilize primer. If you want a simpler makeup routine, you could effort BB foam, which acts every bit both a moisturizer and primer.

  • Question

    I have small pimples and pores caused past acne. How can I embrace them?

    Community Answer

    Use a quality, loftier-coverage foundation and concealer to encompass any skin problems. Look for brands that annunciate for oily or acne-prone skin. You may take to experiment with a few different brands to find one that is right for you lot.

  • Question

    Am I supposed to use my primer before my concealer, or after?

    Community Answer

    Primer is supposed to exist used before whatever foundation or concealer. It is intended to set (or prime number) your face for the awarding of more makeup. Yous apply it after your toner and moisturizer, but before any makeup.

  • Question

    Tin can I mix powder with liquid foundation?

    Community Answer

    Mixing them could event in clumps of makeup. Thus, it's not recommended.

  • Question

    After applying makeup I have a problem of sweating. How can I overcome with this problem ?

    Community Answer

    Try oil blotting sheets -- they get rid of oil and sweat but practise not remove makeup.

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  • If you have oily skin, try using a matte powder foundation over your liquid foundation. It will make your confront await less oily and y'all volition look flawless.

  • Use a natural light source when applying your makeup. This will highlight whatever mistakes you make and assist y'all fix them.


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Article Summary X

To get flawless makeup, get-go with a clean, moisturized, and primed face, so apply your foundation, starting at the center of your face and blending outwards. Use concealer to hide any blemishes or nighttime spots, so set it with a translucent powder. Fill in your brows with a pencil, apply a little chroma to emphasize the apples of your cheeks, and use eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara to highlight your eyes. Finish with your favorite color of lipstick or gloss. For tips on experimenting with different products, keep reading!

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